In accordance with the United Nations Global Compact, the EmeraldPlanet is identifying major corporations, research institutions, universities, and small-to-medium-scale enterprises that can provide specialized processes, services, products, technologies, and programs in fulfillment of its ten principles.

In accordance with the United Nations Global Compact, the EmeraldPlanet is identifying major corporations, research institutions, universities, and small-to-medium-scale enterprises that can provide specialized processes, services, products, technologies, and programs in fulfillment of its ten principles. The United Nations Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with the ten universally accepted principles in the fields of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. By adopting this Compact, businesses, as a primary agent driving globalization, can help ensure that markets, commerce, technology, and finance advance in ways that benefit economies and societies everywhere.
The EmeraldPlanet is a member of the Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CoNGO). Founded in 1948, CoNGO has worked continuously to give NGOs a voice in the international community. From its role in the formation of the first worldwide NGO forum in 1968 to its advocacy on behalf of NGOs at the UN Headquarters, CoNGO’s principle objectives have always been to ensure the active presence of NGOs at the United Nations and to facilitate NGO discussions on the most pressing global issues. Member organizations represent a large range of vital interests in areas such as sustainable development, the environment, economic empowerment, and governance. CoNGO and its members collaborate with the larger community of NGOs through standing NGO committees, which follow issues that are of key substantive interest relative to their mandates and objectives.
The EmeraldPlanet collaborates with the PanAmerican/PanAfrican Association (Pa/Pa) to provide leadership for projects and programs in the domains of sustainability, economics, the environment, and civil society. Its activities are evaluated, received and appropriately featured on The EmeraldPlanet TV. As with the CoNGO and the UN Global Compact, various site-specific projects and programs will be visited and broadcasts made during The Emerald Trek.