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App Install Instructions Ancho
Anchor 1
On Safari
1. Tap the up arrow located in the center of the bottom tool bar
2. Tap "Add to Home Screen"
3. Tap "Add"
4. The EmeraldPlanet WebApp is now installed
On Chrome
1. Tap the three dot icon located in the upper right corner
2. Tap "Add to Home Screen"
3. Tap "Add"
4. The EmeraldPlanet WebApp is now installed

Safari Anchor
Chrom Anchr

Registered: United States Patent and Trademark Office
Reg. No. 5,683,1895 (Mark);
Reg. No. 5,677,660 (Stylized); and
Reg. No. 5,677,659 (Design)
Registered: 501(c)(3) IRS Registration No. 45-1503756
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